Sunday 13 January 2013

#ODSS and #blogmanay

I haven't forgotten about the Olive Dragonfly Secret Santa and do already have some photos from people, I will be sending out an email to ask if anyone else wants to send in pictures before I blog them all!  It's been lovely seeing everyone's reactions on Twitter!   For now, I will post what I received from Mahj (I know she won't mind me sharing, although some people have preferred to remain secret).  She sent me a note with my gifts which I was only to open after opening my gifts.  It listed the reasons she bought each one and was lovely to read!

I saved my gift for Christmas day and was delighted with my 3 pressies!  I received a green dragonfly cookie cutter (for obvious reasons), a travel journal with pockets for things like ticket stubs, etc. (as she knows I am like her and keep all these things) and a sticky pad to add recipe notes to my recipe books without having to write on the pages!  (Again, she knows I'm like her and love to cook and adjust recipes so this is perfect!)  I can't wait to write my first entry in the travel journal about South Korea and I've already used my cookie cutter for gingerbread I made for New Year!

It was a huge success and I was delighted with my gifts and I know others were with theirs.  I also participated in the gift share that Gemma organised via Twitter, #Blogmanay.  The idea of this was to share music and we all had to fill in a little about ourselves for Gemma to match us up then buy our person a small gift (tailored to their likes) and make a CD of at least 5 of our favourite songs.

I was a little late getting mine posted, oops, but I actually really enjoyed putting it together and making the CD.  I decided to collate all of the songs that make me want to just get up and dance around the room, my happy songs :)  It actually reminded me of a few old ones I haven't listened to for a long time as I went through my whole CD collection and ended up with way too many.  I cut it down to the maximum I could fit on the CD - 22 songs!!  I hope my person enjoys listening to it!  (I may post the track listing on here if you're interested.)

The CD I received was great!  I read the track list thinking I only recognised 3 songs but there were a couple more I definitely knew when I heard them but loads more that I didn't and I loved them all!  It's such a great idea to get introduced to new music you maybe wouldn't ever discover for yourself and I have already listened to my CD loads!  Thanks Katie!!

My gift was also fab!  She sent me a sparkly (one of my 10 things I love - anything sparkly!  I'm such a magpie!) sequin black cropped cardigan which actually worked out perfectly as that weekend I had a wedding to go to and it went with my outfit to add a bit more sparkle!  :D

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  1. Ooh love the sparkly cardigan - where is it from? Lorri

  2. Thank you. Sorry should have that I loved your whole wedding outfit especially your peacock bag & fasinator.

    1. Thanks Lorri, rest of outfit details and wedding pics tomorrow! :)

  3. Such lovely gifts from Mahj :) and yes, I'd be interested in your track list! Amy was going to ask Gemma to blog them or, failing that, do it herself though xx

  4. These are all just lovely things - yay for blogging and for blog swaps!


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