Monday 28 January 2013

#ODSS - the pictures!

Here are some pictures I have been sent of the Olive Dragonfly Secret Santa gifts.  This was an optional thing, some people haven't sent me any pictures so don't worry if you don't see yours here!  Mine is here.  If you haven't had a chance to send them yet but would like to, just email me and I will edit them in when I receive them :)

Thanks to everyone who joined in, I can't wait to plan the next one!  It was so much fun to organise and lovely to see all the tweets as parcels arrived!


Here's a photo of my Secret Santa pressies - Custard Cream earrings, a gold notebook and some letterpress list notelets!


I adored my presents!!!  I had homemade jam and homemade biscotti, both of which tasted amazing!  Katie also sent me some nail varnish, earrings, a sparkley headpiece and some yummy smelling body lotion.  Most of these items were purple / purple-ish, my favourite colour.  The last item in my gift was a Love & Cuddles cushion, which looks fab on my futon.  Not sure i can pick my favourite bit but I loved the biscotti nom, nom, nom!!!


Big huge thanks to Santa, I LOVE my present!


Thank you for organising this, it was such a pleasure to receive my parcel. Rachel wrapped everything so beautifully and it was a joy to open each little gift. I've worn the bird necklace most days since receiving it and have gotten lots of comments on how pretty it is. I love the socks - so soft to the touch and lovely to look at. I've used the sticky notes to mark recipes that I want to make in the new year and I can't wait to bake some gingerbread men (I've only ever decorated them before!). The ornament is hanging in my living room, the soap has gone into my nice new bathroom and the chocolates were very quickly scoffed. :)


Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for organising ODSS, it has cheered me up SO much :) 


I've included a few pics of my ODSS pressie which arrived yesterday. Sorry about the quality, iPhone pics. Aside from the chocolate goodies which are in the fridge the two pressies are under the tree to be opened on Christmas morning because my mum drilled it into me not to open presents before the big day and I can't shake it.


Just wanted to send you a couple of pics from my SS gift for the blog before I forget.


Attached the photos of my gorgeous gift  :-D 


Can't wait for this years - it'll be even bigger and better but I'll be really smug and be able to say that I was there from the 1st ever ODSS!


You did a great job and I loved being involved!


Not in the picture as eaten were delicious White chocolate Christmas nibbles & inside the quote envelope, lovely book plates.
Thank you for organising & look it helped lead to #bookswap.

Feel free to identify yourself as the giver if you wish :)
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  1. All the presents are amazing! It looked like so much fun for all involved. You did a brilliant job organising things. Maybe next time I'll have the courage to join in.

  2. So lovely to see what everyone got :) thank you again for organising it Bex! Xx

  3. So many lovely gifts - what a great idea x

  4. This looks fantastic - some lovely selections and such a lot of fun. What a great idea - well done for organising. Count me in for next year :-)


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