Wednesday 23 January 2013

Pinterest plans - Pin It Do It Challenge

I've talked before about certain things I've seen on Pinterest and had a go at myself, be they recipes, home ideas or outfits. I've decided to make this more of a thing this year and challenge myself to do at least one a week (perhaps one every 2 weeks and if Roz is up for that as well, there could be one a week to report on the blog).  Here are a few examples of some I've already had a go at and if you want to see the ideas I hope to have a go at (among the many, many inspirations I pin, I've selected a few I REALLY want to make sure I try out), you can see them here.

I'm hoping this inspires me to actually use more of the inspiration I get from Pinterest and do more with it.  I think I'm pretty good at making use of it, but sometimes there are days I get so distracted pinning all. the. things. that some of them get lost in all my boards!

Christmas ideas:

Source: via Bex on Pinterest

Make-up Ideas:

Home Ideas:

Source: via Bex on Pinterest

Source: via Bex on Pinterest

Recipe ideas:

Source: via Bex on Pinterest

Source: via Bex on Pinterest

Outfit Ideas:

Source: via Bex on Pinterest

I'm also going to work on making my own pictures better quality, like the images I like to pin.  I already tried to improve them by taking them in the study where there tends to be better light than the bedroom, I may have to try setting up the tripod instead to get a better background than my drawers or shelves!  I would prefer to get them all outside like the amazing Wendy and Rebecca, but it's not always easy to find a willing photographer and I'm not going as far as lugging my tripod about taking pictures of myself outside, I get self conscious enough as it is posing outdoors!

Incidentally if anyone has tackled a Pinterest inspired project and wants to send it in (or if you blog one yourself and want to send us a link), we would love to post a few on the blog!

We can be contacted at either or  :)

Olive Dragonfly Pin It Do It
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  1. Bex this post is ace! I like some of your pictures better than your inspiration, your outfit is way better that Katie's for one :)

    Count me icon the challenge, I'll create a similar board on Pinterest too xx

  2. Mmm baked cambert, we had that in Paris and are now OBSESSED with it!!

    This looks fun I have just pinned loads of sewing projects which I want to get through.


  3. I am so impressed with all of these! As Roz said, some of yours are better than the inspiration!!! xx

  4. This is one of my plans for this year! in fact, I have a one man hashtag #pinneditdidit if anyone fancies using that then jump aboard.

    Ooooh, I might start a new board just for these things.

    Would love to guest post, just need to find and do something! x

  5. Totally stealing that hashtag Anna! ;)

    Might even change the names of my boards to that and #pinitdoit rather than my long-winded: pins I plan to actually do, etc!

    Lara - thanks!
    Ashleigh - I know - so addictive!
    Roz - glad you're in! ;)

  6. This is such a good idea! I love the string light things you had on your Christmas table, where are they from? I've made a few things after I pinned them on pinterest, it is so much fun to interpret other people's ideas. i don't know what I did before pinterest!

  7. Oooh send us some pics MJ?!

    The lights are from Not On The High Street (Cotton & Cable), they do loads of colours and you can mix and match!


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