Friday 1 February 2013

The miracle of twitter friends

So the Splurge vs Save isn't happening today I'm afraid, I've spent most of today writing my next AOW post for the awesome A-Z of weddings but also I decided that what I really wanted to write about was you guys.  You are amazing.  You have NO idea how amazing!  The power of twitter is such that I had an OK day yesterday and a lovely one today despite a truly crappy week up to now.

There are a LOT of stresses in our life right now and I've struggled to cope this week.  Nik's had a difficult exam recently followed by a complicated interview process so I have hardly seen him lately due to his busy workload and studying in the library in his spare time.  The way the jobs are decided is a totally screwed up system if you ask me and a major issue in the whole lack of control I am feeling right now.  It means that from August, Nik could end up in Elgin or even the Western Isles for a year.  The year after that, we're probably going to have to move to England or we might end up having to live apart for some of the time in the following years which neither of us wants.  It's all a bit much at the moment as I'm also having a bad time at work among other things and the extra stress is getting to me.

The only things keeping me sane at the moment are my books, my blog and my family and friends - that includes you guys!  On Tuesday night I had a bit of a moan and summarised all this in a couple of tweets (sorry for the mini swear word mum and MIL!)  THIS is what happened...

That doesn't even include the private messages, emails and texts I received!  All these messages really got me through Wednesday.  Liz at work even drove all the way to M&S during her break to surprise me with Percy Pigs!!  (And that's even after I've been hellish to work with all week!)

Then THIS happened on Thursday...

Obviously I went in when alerted by text from someone at work (I was going to meet them all for lunch for someone who's leaving anyway) and this is what was waiting for me...

I was never popular at school or uni.  I was always the slightly weird, geeky, frizzy girl and quite happy to be that girl but the best thing about blogging and twitter are the friends I've made as an adult.  I have never felt popular.  Until now.  I was blown away by how many of you care.  Actually care enough to write or send a virtual hug or actual freaking flowers!  Even people I have never met but know only online.  Not that I should be surprised, I've found a wonderful community here and on AOW and twitter as a result.  I feel part of that community where it's not actually about popularity but the fact we understand and support each other.  I didn't receive a single message telling me to quit moaning, you're all too nice for that.  I know we have a good life and are lucky in many ways but sometimes everything does get a bit rubbish and this was one of those times.  I have always been a planner and to have so little control over our future is tough for me (for both of us) to deal with.

So basically I just wanted to to share how lovely you all are.  And thank you all for making my life so much better.  If you aren't on twitter yet, I suggest you join because you can meet some pretty wonderful people on there!  I have made genuine friends with some and hopefully more in future as I get to meet more of you at various AOW parties, ODPs, Crafternoon, Blook club...

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  1. Petal, I had completely missed all of this somehow. I'm really sorry things are so testing just now for you & Nik but always always remember: This too shall pass.

    Keep that chin up xx

  2. I hope you hear good news about Nik's job.

    I'm sorry things are so stressful at the moment. Should you have to be apart even for a little while in the coming years, we'll all keep you company throughout, and help bring you through to the other side. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end.

    P.S. it's very easy to care about someone who's such a lovely person. I may never have met you, it may only be recently that I've said hi on twitter, but through every comment on AOW, every conversation on twitter, every blog post, your kindness and loveliness shines through.

  3. I love this post Bex!! And I love every single person that sent you a message to cheer you up :) Most of all I love twitter in general or we'd probably never have met and quite frankly by life would have a giant Bex shaped hole in it (actually tearing up as I write this!!) If I wasn't in London at the moment I'd be round at your flat for a hug xxx

  4. So glad you feel better today and that everyone rallied round. xx

  5. I am going to be your official cheerleader. I will make green pompoms and wave them at you and do a stupid dance!

  6. You poor thing. It sounds like you've been going through a really tough and uncertain time. I think I would be feeling exactly the same way as you in that situation.

    There's nothing I can really say that hasn't been said already, but I do want to say that I'm so pleased that you have this community to support you. It means a lot to me too.


  7. Oh Bex, you deserve every single lovely message above.

    I know only too well how rubbish that uncertainty feels, and how useless you can feel when it's not your career or situation that is causing the stress. It will all resolve itself, life has a funny way of doing that and making you wonder what all the stress was about!

    You have my number and know where I am if you ever need a rant or a coffee or a cocktail.


  8. Isn't that lovely? I've never been cool in my life - either online or off it - but friends just don't care about that do they.

    Hoping things improve for you and you get a bit more certainty in your life soon.


  9. Sending you another big hug Bex. We do all care so much and hope everything works out the best it can for you...but remember that even if it doesn't, we're only a tweet/text/email/phonecall/blogpost away xxx

  10. Hope everything is getting better chick, I totally missed this on twitter! I did see you said Nik's exam went well so hopefully get better from here on


  11. Bex my chicken, I'm sorry I missed your twitter messages so just finding out about this now, but love and support is coming at you from all over the UK.... You're the most vibrant, beautiful, charismatic person I've ever met and you mustn't ever forget that. X

  12. Wanted to add my support too as you do sound like you are going through a tough time! Hugs!! And I love your blog and reiterate what everyone says that your loveliness shines through xx

  13. Seriously guys you just keep doing it! I'm so grateful to you all for your support and love! xxx


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